Select Procedure
Dental Implants

Dental Veneers


- Susan always wanted a straight smile but never had the means or the opportunity to pursue orthodontic treatment as a child.
- We presented Invisalign treatment using clear aligners as an option to straighten her teeth instead of metal braces which would fit better with her active lifestyle.
- With Invisalign, We were able to design a warm, esthetically pleasing smile ,something she always wanted.

- Shelly was dissatisfied with her smile and the appearance of prominent central incisors giving her a ‘ Buck teeth’ appearance.
- We designed an esthetically pleasing smile using Invisalign to first align her teeth and correct the cr

- M. G. wanted to improve her look and smile which had changed significantly in spite of orthodontics as a child.
- Her issue was a strong tongue thrust habit. With Invisalign treatment and an appliance to manage the tongue thrust, we were able to correct her smile with minimal impact to her lifestyle.

Laser Gum Therapy

Porcelain Crowns

- Judy was curious to know if something could be done to remove dark spots on her teeth and existing fixed bridge.
- We presented a treatment plan which involved removal of her existing porcelain to metal bridge and replacing it with a metal free Zirconia crown and bridge for maximum strength and esthetics.
- This is done with careful planning to assess the stability of the teeth and her occlusion or biting contacts.
- The final outcome was a warm and pleasing smile that Judy makes her feel comfortable and confident

Smile makeover

Zoom! Teeth Whitening